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There are a lot of resources out there aimed at relieving the pressure and stress working parents feel day in and day out. Meditation, mindfulness, self-care strategies, productivity hacks, time-saving tips... we are inundated with great ideas. So why are the rates of burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues skyrocketing for working parents? Why isn't all of this unlimited knowledge and advice helping us escape survival mode?

If you're a busy working parent, you already know how hard it can be to focus on what's most important to you. It's easy to get caught up in everything you have to do, and what's truly meaningful gets lost in an overwhelming onslaught of obligations and expectations. You're forced to sacrifice valuable time with your family, your hard-earned career, or your personal well-being because you can't find a sustainable way to manage the competing demands of working parenthood.

The Whole SELF Lifestyle for Working Parents: A Practical 4-Step Framework to Defeat Burnout and Escape Burnout for Good offers a unique alternative to the hustle-and-grind culture that's taken over modern society, without the platitudes and one-size-fits-all solutions. With this approach, you'll come to understand the complexities of yourself and your life as a whole, so you can make more effective choices based on what you need in each moment. It's time to finally enjoy all aspects of your full life.

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In this book, you’ll discover…

  • A contemporary alternative to outdated “work-life balance” ideals.

  • Why you still struggle with burnout despite trying all of the “proven” strategies for success.

  • The hidden barriers holding you back from lasting connection and fulfillment.

  • A 4-step framework you can apply in all situations to finally enjoy working parenthood.




“I love that I can keep going back to this book when life shakes me up and something is off balance. I can keep asking the questions, adjusting and not feel like I am doing something wrong. I feel encouraged reading this. It's going to be a long-term resource.”

“Sarah is so honest and authentic about her own journey that you don’t feel like someone is telling you what is wrong with you, and here’s what you need to do. She empowers you by having you delve deep into yourself to ask the important questions to find what will work for you. Then she gives you tools to make a real change that will last after reading the book.”

“Reading this book has helped me feel seen, less overwhelmed, and like someone finally gets it.”

“I liked this book as it was less an authoritative answer on what to do and more how to develop my own playbook on how to design my parenting and life. Very rewarding.”

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